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Biogen Pharma Testosterone Propionate 100mg 10ml Vial

Buy Testosterone Propionate – Information

Testosterone Propionate is a fast acting ester of testosterone, as it is fast acting it needs to be injected every 2-3 days which does tend to put many users off as most would like to only inject once per week.  Testosterone Propionate is however still a popular steroid as it can be used for different bodybuilding goals.

Buy Testosterone Propionate – Side Effects

Testosterone Propionate is still testosterone which can cause the usual side effects such as acne, hair loss, prostate enlargement and after heavy use it could shut down your natural hormone function.

Most of the side effects begin as the body turns high levels of testosterone into estrogen due to the aromatase enzyme.  This side effect can be controlled by the use of anti-estrogens such as Nolvadex, Proviron or Arimidex which all work in different ways in controlling the estrogen but still get the job done.   Anti estrogen products will help keep any water retention down so you do not look as bloated or puffy and will also combats any gyno (bitch tit) problems that some users are sensitive to.

Testosterone Propionate in some users can convert to dihydrotestosterone which is a worry for some as this can cause male pattern baldness but again this can be controlled by use of Finasteride and Regain.

Buy Testosterone Propionate – Benefits in Bodybuilding

As with all testosterone esters Testosterone Propionate still works just like any other by increasing nitrogen retention in the muscle, it also increases IGF-1 in the muscle tissue and liver and it also has an active role in repairing exercised damaged muscle tissue through satellite cell activity.  Testosterone Propionate gives all the benefits like any other testosterone by being a great mass builder in high doses and also can be used in a cutting cycle in low doses.

Buy Testosterone Propionate – Stacking

Testosterone Propionate is a great mass builder in higher doses and could be used in a stack with Deca Durabolin and Dianbol or Anadrol 50.  The Dianabol or Anadrol 50 should be used in the first 4-6 weeks of the cycle to kick start the whole process and the Testosterone Propionate and Deca are continued for the full 8-12 weeks.

Testosterone Propionate can be successfully used in a cutting stack in a lower dose.  Due to it being a fast acting ester it does not build up as heavy in your bloods and the side effects such as puffy bloat and gyno (bitch tit) seem to be less predominant and many bodybuilders report a harder physique compared to long acting testosterones.

In lower doses Testosterone Propionate can stack brilliantly with  either Anavar, Winstrol, Primabolan Depot or Trenbolone and Growth Hormone.

Average dosage: 200mg – 800mg per week depending on experience.

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