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Sustanon 300 – Cenzo Pharma

Name: Sustanon 300
Manufacturer: Cenzo Pharma
Contains: 10ml Vial / 300mg per 1ml

Cenzo Pharma Sustanon is without question the most popular testosterone micture on the planet. Where most testosterone compounds are single ester compounds, Cenzo Sustanon is comprised of four distinct esters; four distinct testosterone compounds conjoined into one. Developed for the purpose of infrequent Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) treatment, While effective it would soon be held as vital to many performance enhancing athletes. Sustanon is the most popular testosterone injection used by bodybuilders and athletes that are looking to add size and strength. Sustanon is also a good steroid to be used by beginners looking to use testosterone. Dramaitc size and strength can be achieved with sustanon.

Sustanon 300 – Side Effects

Other than increased libido and muscle mass some users can experience acne if prone to it , Gyno can also be an issue but the use of tamoxifen / Nolvadex can prevent such unwanted side effects.

Sustanon 300 – Dosage

300 – 900mg per week male only (extreme doses of 1200mg)

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