Buy Primobolan Tablets


Brand: Hemi Pharma
Product Name: Primo Tablets
Contains Per Tablet: Metenolone Acetate 25mg x 60 Tablets

Champagne of Steroids


Brand: Hemi Pharma
Product Name: Metenolone Acetate 25mg (Primo Orals)
Contains Per Tablet: Metenolone Acetate 25mg x 60 Tablets

  • Hemi Pharma Primobolan Tablets Encourages improved muscle recovery and endurance.
  • Hemi Pharma Primobolan Tablets are a good fat burner as it helps to raise your metabolic rate.
  • Hemi Pharma Primobolan Tablets performance Enhancing effects can last for months .
Metenolone Acetate 25mg 1 tablet